

Liquid products used to help break oil and water emulsions, to reduce water and salts content of processed oil to meet export specifications.

Our Product Range

Crikem D CTN 6141

Crikem D CTN 6141 is a demulsifier product specifically formulated to break emulsions and allow water and oil to separate efficiently, producing low water cut and salts content export Oil and low Oil content in produced water. It has been trialed successfully and shown to be cost effective and is currently used in several fields in Turkmenistan.

Crikem D CTN 6131D

Demulsifier product specifically formulated for heavier, higher wax content crudes. It has shown excellent performance in waxy crudes by demonstrating fast emulsion break and water drop. Producing very low water and salts content in treated oil for export and low oil in water content of the separated produced water for disposal

UK Office
Phone: +44 117 990 1001
Office 103, W block, Future Space, UWE, North Gate, Filton Rd, Bristol, BS34 8RB, United Kingdom